Financial Planning
The River believes that our God is a generous God. The result should be that we are generous people. Unlike God we don’t have limitless resources, so to be generous we need to plan and organize our finances. Here you’ll find some practical tools to help you manage your finances God’s way. We believe you are a generous person and we want to help you maximize your generosity. What’s the end result? You can become known as a person of great generosity.
Getting a grasp on your finances can seem rough, but with the right tools, you can get on track. Get started by gathering  the right paperwork needed to fill out this budget form. That paperwork includes things like: pay stubs, utility bills, loan payments and personal expenses such as cell phones and entertainment. Download this form and begin budgeting Today!
Start your journey to increase your generosity.
Simply put… There are three general “money” categories in the Bible. This simple and quick calculator will help you organize your money into those categories.
Would it help to have someone help you form a budget and give you insight into your current financial situation?
Click the coaching link above.